World Jewish Congress

World Jewish Congress

invites you to join us for a 

Law Professors Mission to Israel

July 8-11, 2024

Join law professors from across the USA in solidarity with Israel and its people.

  • Visit communities attacked on October 7th
  • Spend time with survivors of the October 7th attack, former hostages and their families
  • Meet with faculty members of the Israeli legal community and from the IDF on the legal measures taken during military actions
  • Participate in a meaningful volunteer project

 Cost: $1800 ♦ includes Carlton Tel Aviv hotel accommodation (single occupancy), ground transportation,
all Kosher meals and activities, armed security.

Option: $750 for one additional guest per room.

Airfare to Israel not included.

Memorial day weekend deadline*

The registration fee is non-refundable after May 31, 2024. 
Barring exigencies of war, in which the trip will be cancelled or rescheduled.

If your plans change after May 31st, please contact Julie ([email protected]) or Adam ([email protected]

*Program in development 

Payment Information 

Total Amount:

Please consider making a donation to the
World Jewish Congress here

For more information, contact [email protected]